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Scouting a perfect location lies at the heart of having a successful portrait photo-session and picture perfect photographs. Selecting a suitable location is crucial. This is one aspect upon which all other decisions will be based including the kind of props to use. What kind of lighting should be used, what clothes the subject should wear, and suitable poses – all these things will depend on the location.San Francisco Bay Area portrait photographerFor ages photos have been shot in studios with a plain backdrop. This arrangement can be expensive and is not the best option either considering the same thing has been repeated gazillion times ever since photography came into being. Any good San Francisco Bay Area portrait photographer will tell that you such portraits lack appeal and originality. By conducting the session at some unusual location you can get way more engaging and unique pictures. All you need is use your imagination.

While scouting multiple locations, do pick the one that is meaningful and holds certain significance for the subject. A convenient location such as a nearby park may seem like a default option for the photo session, but it is not always necessarily the best option. Consider a place with which the subject is easily able to connect and feels at ease. It should bring out his personality. A good San Francisco Bay Area portrait photographer will know that each person is different and has a personality of his own.

Every single portrait should be able to capture that uniqueness of the subject. Selecting the right location can make that job lot easier. A photographer should get to know his subject by learning about his hobbies – the places he often visits so that those elements are easy to incorporate in the photos.