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You can get the most fantastic photographs with your digital camera. Even if the shots are not that perfect, these can surely be worked upon with the help of your computer. For portrait photography, the way the subject is being clicked means much more than the subject itself. It is the camera settings that play the most vital role in delivering the most perfect portraits. An experienced Bay area wedding photographer would ensure to have the perfect camera settings that vary for outdoor and indoor portrait photography during a wedding.

For outdoor photography, an expert photographer knows how blurring the background can deliver some classic wedding portraits. Camera settings like focal length, aperture, shutter speed, mode (autofocus, single mode), and selection of the focus point can improve or deteriorate the quality of the final photograph.

Bay Area Wedding PhotographerDuring a wedding, a photographer may need to click indoor, outdoor or moving subjects. So, the camera settings must be adjusted accordingly for some exceptional results. Also, the selection of colors, light (intensity, direction, etc) and poses can make or break a fantastic portrait. At times, a photo with flaws and shortcomings turns out to be more impressive than a perfectly beautified wedding portrait. In fact, the difference lies in the hands of the photographer…A seasoned Bay Area wedding photographer is also well versed with the editing part which if done in the right way can drastically enhance the overall appeal of the click. Undeniably, wedding portraits ought to be the most lovable memories for all times to come…